
The suburbs are quite, poeple stay indoors and when they leave their home, they hide away all the fantasies and desires that dont fit into the norms of decent society. Their secrets stay within the safety of their homes.

The concept for this shoot came at a time when I was living in the suburbs and feeling especially isolated. I would walk around my neighborhood, wondering where everyone was, what do they do all day inside? The people i did run into, were polite, made smalltalk and moved on. It got me thinking about how people hide so much away, bottled up and stored in the back of a cabinet. No one is as “normal” as they appear. Playing with the interior of a suburban kitchen I worked to visual this concept by combining the mundane with the the surreal.


Model: Kait
Concept, Art Direction & Photography: Laine Foreman

© Laine Foreman 2020